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My Belief in Adventure

I believe that health is about having the energy and ability to live your best life.
Maximizing what you do with your 24 hours a day is the key to success. When I started my career in fitness it opened up a whole new world of adventures for me. Running and weight lifting
gave me the confidence to pursue new hobbies like rock climbing, adventure racing,
skydiving, climbing mountains and more! I fell in love with living and found that
doing those activities helped me excel in every aspect of my life; especially my career.
I want to inspire others to find their passion, build confidence, and feel envigorated
about their personal and professional lives.





"Kristi Worful has the unique blend of enthusiasm and know-how that isn't nauseating, because you know she has real world and real life experience behind her contagious drive for excellence. Before you even hear her tell stories of her own adversity professionally, as an entrepreneur, and personally, you know just by her well-rounded perspective that she has

paid the price to lead and coach others."


Lance Allred, Motivational Speaker, Author, and First Deaf NBA Player in History

"I've been chatting with a close friend and telling her about what I do and how our program is evolving. I was reminded of how much our division has changed since K2 (Kristi) came on board and just took our team full speed ahead! We've accomplished more in this past year and a half than what I've seen in the previous 5 years combined! I know that she earnestly wants us as a whole to be successful not just as a team but also individually. She has a lot on her plate and I admire all her enthusiasm to work hard AND be positive!! So many people have a lot on their plate and work a lot but they are lacking the passion and/or aren't really happy about their job;

I've seen a lot of that at other companies, but not K2!

I'm grateful to have a director that exudes success in a positive light!"


Lara Cobia, Senior Wellness Coach, VASA Corporate Wellness

“Team NutriFit has created such a positive work environment. The program has encouraged everyone to work as a team to build healthier lifestyles."


Brad Wardell, CEO of Stardock Corp

"I am continually grateful for the energy that Kristi brings to every team meeting and group activity. She leads by example through all the changes that we've made and she is so on top of things which is CRAZY to me because she has so much on her plate. She always is thinking of new ideas for us to improve on and she is great at making things happen no matter what obstacles may get in the way. She has accomplished so much in such a short amount of time

and I am so glad she's leading our team."


Kendra Wood, Wellness Coordinator, VASA Corporate Wellness


How I Got Here

Corporate and Community Health Projects

VASA Corporate Wellness Health Plans and Coaching Program Development

UPLIFT Magazine, VASA Corporate Wellness Resource Guide

VASA Culture Con

Charity on Par, Corporate Golf Fundraiser

Team NutriFit 12 Week Online Community Recreation Health Program

NutriFit NEWS Magazine, Community Health Resource Guide

Tsunami Fitness Board Instructor Certification Course Development


Speaking Engagements

VASA Culture Con 2017,  Speaker, Coaching Your Team to Clarity

VASA Corporate Wellness Awards Banquet, Key Note Speaker, Uplifting Your Workplace

VASA Fitness Leadership Retreat

Smith Knowles, Attorney Group Team Development

VERO Executive Network, Leadership Goal Setting Vs Employee Goal Setting

Morgan Stanly, Boost Your Energy and Metabolism While You're at Work

International Women's Expo

Zrii Corporate Event

NetMD Business

Stardock Corporation

Addison Oaks Children's Tumor Foundation

Livonia Community Recreation Center

The Better Health Store

Suburban Harvest

Anytime Fitness

PoweHouse Gym

YMCA Youth Counselors Training

LCRC Youth Camps


Awards and Recognition

2014 Michigan Governor's Fitness Award, Siler, Stardock Corporation Wellness Program

2015 Michigan Governor's Fitness Award, Siler, Stardock Corporation Wellness Program

2016 Utah Worksite Wellness Award, Platinum, VASA Corporate Wellness Program

2017 Utah Worksite Wellness Award, Platinum, VASA Corporate Wellness Program


Professional Networks

VERO Elite

Corporate Alliance

Women's Illuminate

Unite Utah

Society for Human Resource Management

Utah Worksite Wellness Events

Get in Touch
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